A few days ago, I got an e-mail from a popular strip clubs in the area saying that they are reopening this coming weekend. And honestly, I’ve got mixed feelings about it.
So here’s the deal.. I live in one of the states hit hardest by the coronavirus, and as such, we were among the first states to institute a quarantine. So we’ve all been cooped up at home since mid-March, and as a single guy, I haven’t had ANY female contact in months now. So yeah, the idea of seeing some half-naked girls shaking their assess is appealing.
But lets face it, we’re not out of the woods yet. While our state locked down and got the COVID-19 cases under control, the risk is still out there. So I’m not sure about going out to a strip club, even if they claim that the place has been cleaned and sanitized, that there are hand sanitizing stations, that temperature scanners are in place, and complimentary masks are available.
How exactly are you supposed to enjoy yourself when you’re stuck wearing a mask, are paranoid about germs, and what does that mean for lap dances, since you’re definitely getting closer than 6 feet with a stripper? Maybe this Portland strip club has the right idea instead, strippers to your door, with “lap” dances at a distance.
I sympathize with the girls who have been out of work for months on end, but at the same time, I think that jumping the gun by reopening clubs could be dangerous for everyone’s well being. Where do you stand on this?
EDIT: Well that was short-lived. Just a few weeks after reopening, the club in question (and other strip clubs that had reopened) were forced to close again to comply with the Governor’s new mandate, enacted as a result of recent spike in COVID-19 cases in PA.

March 1, 2021 at 8:07 am
Should be in Florida.